Want to help out?
Here’s how:

1. Share my music
My music is free, as it will always be.
If you enjoy what I do share this with friends and loved ones.
For now My music can only be found on sound cloud. But in time it will be available in more places.
But another way to share my music is to learn the songs and play them yourself. I will happily send you the tabs. Just contact me and ask.

2. Get me gigs
I would love to do an European tour. If you want to see me live get me a gig at your local watering hole. If I have enough gig’s I’ll plan a route and go on tour. You’ll get a meet and greet 😉 If I can crash on your couch would also be awesome. And 10% of the revenue.

3. Donate
Since I do not play music for money but recording music costs money you can donate so I can record my new album. These links are for 1 euro, if you would like to donate more send me a message 🙂
What would be really cool is if you donate 1 euro every month. If I have 1000 people doing that I can still live from my music.